Monday, September 19, 2011

Some random sketch.

Drawing figures.

grezat show


New art book style.


Personal favorite.

Comic link

Art this gentlemen sent to me. Its amaazing.

My old shit available on RedBouble

Can't fix what ain't broke.

Old link from my tumblr. The progression of concept.

Some art that is Adventure Time inspired.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Minecraft. All day long. No, just kidding.

So here is the new comic. Enjoy it.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Thats it guys.

We're moving shop from Hollywood to beautiful Santa Rosa, CA. Why SR, you ask? Because it's a cool and quaint little town that doesn't have a web comic based in it yet, so I felt it was my duty to do make it so.

I won't be starting things up till March. I figure I'll have a cache of comics under my belt, perhaps one or more items for sale, and am hoping for an actual website with my own domain name.

Please, if you haven't checked it out yet, STIMULANT BORON is the web comic's tumblr. Stay up to date on my comic creating skills as I will be fulfilling them immensely.

That's it for now. Take care everyone. I'll be seeing you in March! Happy New Year

P.S. Play Minecraft.

About Me

My photo
My mom is my biggest fan and that IS AWESOME!
